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Russian President Gives Annual State Of The Nation Address

Putin Warns West Over Going to War With Russia

Russian President Gives Annual State of the Nation Address

Putin Issues Warning Amid Tensions Over Ukraine Crisis

In his annual state of the nation address, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned the West against going to war with Russia. "Those who try to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the wind can also blow in the other direction," Putin said.

Putin's warning comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and the West over the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Russia has annexed Crimea and is accused of supporting separatists in eastern Ukraine. The West has responded with economic sanctions and other measures, and there are fears that the conflict could escalate into a wider war.

In his speech, Putin said that Russia is prepared to defend itself against any aggression. He also said that Russia wants to avoid war, but will not be "blackmailed" by the West.

The West has condemned Putin's warning, with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg saying that it is "unacceptable" for Russia to threaten the use of nuclear weapons.
